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Skidmore College
Office of Campus Life and Engagement

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Campus Life   |  Community Service  | Leadership Activities
Religious and Spiritual Life  | Student Diversity Programs

MtoiaBrook Paradise
Associate Dean of Student Affairs for Inclusion and Engagement

Dr. 布鲁克天堂(他们/他们/他们)加入了火博体育社区超过十年 在多所高等教育机构的工作经验,最近的工作是 伦斯勒理工学院负责住宿体验的副院长. Brooke 拥有卡斯尔顿大学(Castleton University)的生物和化学学士学位 在Sage研究生院获得健康科学硕士学位,并在该大学获得博士学位 of New England in Educational Leadership. 

布鲁克在解决差异和促进文化的倡议中发挥了关键作用 以包容性领导和包容性为特色的教育环境的变化 excellence. 他们曾在罗素塞奇学院(Russel Sage College)教授研究生和本科生 levels and serves on doctoral student research committees. Their passion is creating 为所有学生提供包容的学习环境和公平的学习机会. 布鲁克还活跃于多个专业协会,持有众多 leadership positions during their career. Their commitment to supporting professional 全体员工的发展反映了其他人对其成长的投资 和发展,以及他们对自己职业发展的个人承诺 activities. 布鲁克喜欢指导和参与与团队成员有关他们的专业 development plans. Brooke’s vision for student life is largely informed by their own 作为第一代大学生在小型公共机构的大学经历 and from their experience as a resident assistant. As a result of these and other 他们认为学生事务的目标是帮助每一个学生 feel that they matter and belong. This objective of belonging is crucial to the vision and drives the focus of the division’s programs, services, and philosophy. 

当布鲁克不工作的时候,他们会花时间和他们的妻子凯蒂在一起, and their three children, Quintin, Phoenix, and Everest. 

MtoiaMary Ann Toia
Pre-Orientation Coordinator
Administrative Assistant, Office of Campus Life & Engagement


Mary Ann earned a B.S. degree in communications from the State University of NY College at Oneonta. 她于2011年加入火博体育办公室,目前担任预培训 负责管理大一学生校内和校外的所有项目. Mary Ann also created a program S.O.L.E (Sophomore Outdoor Leadership Experience) which launched in August 2012. Prior to coming back to work at Skidmore she worked at The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs for 9 years in many facets. Mary Ann was 他是一名空姐,大学毕业后能够周游世界. She 热爱户外教育,相信体验式教育的有效性 learning. She spent 18 months raising a guide dog who is now successfully guiding in Ohio (pictured). When she is not busy at work she is enjoying time with her 3 daughters where they can usually be found doing something outdoors!

Carlos NavarroCarlos Navarro
Director, Office of Leadership Activities

Carlos Navarro (he/him) received his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Nevada, 他在拉斯维加斯获得了高等教育管理硕士学位 Affairs from the University of Southern California. 


作为一名本科生,卡洛斯参与了各种各样的领导经验 such as clubs, Greeklife, honor societies, intramurals, and residential life. This passion for leadership 发展促使卡洛斯渴望担任高等学校的顾问和管理者 education. 

卡洛斯从内华达州立大学(NSC)加入我们,他在那里担任学生生活 Coordinator for 3 years. At NSC, Carlos oversaw and supported the areas of campus recreation, clubs and organizations, student activities,and student government. Carlos also led and created unique programming such as affinity 社交,电子竞技节目,播客系列,低保真嘻哈学习休息室,户外 adventure series, and more. 
卡洛斯期待着培养全面的学生体验,发展学生的 leadership skills and serving as an ally to students. 

 Emily Poole

Associate Director Emily Poole
Case Center 207

Emily (she/her) received her B.A. in Communication Studies from SUNY Cortland in 2017. 艾米丽很高兴能加入火博体育社区,特别是领导活动 office. While at Cortland she was a part of student activities and planned various weeknight programs. That time allowed her to find her passion for activities and leadership development. Emily is excited to begin working with the clubs and inter-class councils of Skidmore! A fun fact about Emily is that she has seen over 130 concerts; her favorite concert being The Lumineers!

Nicki DamianoNicki Damiano
Coordinator of Club Sports, Office of Leadership Activities

Nicki received her B.A. in History Education from SUNY Cortland in 2007 and her M.S. in Ethnic Geography in 2009 from Binghamton University. Nicki first served as Assistant 2009-2011年在火博体育担任游泳教练,2015年8月回归 position. Nicki还教授初级游泳和游泳健身课程 Activity Department on campus. During her four years away from Skidmore, Nicki served as the Head Swimming & Diving Coach/Aquatics Director for SUNY Cobleskill where her 年,运动员们打破了50多项学校记录,并赢得了会议冠军 the 2015 season. Nicki is looking forward to creating a positive environment for all Club Sports and eager to work with the Club officers and students.

Kris ScullyKris Leggiero
SGA Accountant, Office of Leadership Activities

Schedule a meeting with Kris:

克里斯于1999年获得拿骚社区学院会计学副学士学位 Long Island, where she grew up. Kris joined the Skidmore staff in 2001 as the financial 担任学生会和所有学生社团的顾问. Kris 监督学生活动费用的分配和财政支出 政策和程序,以及预算和财务方面的领导培训. 克里斯是SGA财务事务副总裁的主要顾问,也是顾问 to the Budget and Finance Committee.

Parker Diggory
Director, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

Schedule a meeting with Parker:

帕克与个人信仰团体的合作范围从讲道到礼拜仪式 dance to social-justice activism. She has also worked in the nonprofit sector on interreligious collaboration for peace and development. Parker's academic work includes graduate 她在埃默里大学学习神学和希伯来圣经,并在那里接受了她的教育 M.Div. from the Candler School of Theology. She holds a B.A. from Middlebury College, where she studied religion and theater. Her research interests include the intersections 宗教文本和实践以及考古学和历史对圣经的影响 interpretation. A Saratoga native, Parker enjoys being back in the Skidmore community and close to Adirondack hiking and cross-country skiing. 


Martina Zobel                                                                                                                                      Martina
Coordinator, Jewish Student Life and Interfaith Programming

Martina has been exploring Jewish practice for decades. After rebelling from a strict 她年轻时在英国接受传统的教育,20世纪70年代在以色列长期生活 early '80s, and moving to the U.S. as a young mother, she fully embraced Judaism as 一个丰富的精神和智力刺激生活的指导原则. Martina 她是穆萨的热心学生,她一直努力成为一名犹太教育家 embody the balance between formal and experiential learning opportunities. She is 对探索人生之旅充满热情,不管她是不是 在课堂上教授希伯来语,领导比较宗教研讨会或领导 a meditative hike. As part of the ORSL, Martina supports the Skidmore community to 以一种服务于每个人的方式在精神上、文化上和/或智力上建立联系 独特的旅程,并与教职员工合作,加深跨文化联系 and appreciation